Hello everyone, welcome one and all to the home of my new travel blog.
I know a lot of people who read this first post will immediately think, “Oh great, another travel blog. Just what we need.” Do we need another one? Well, maybe… maybe not. It depends on what you’re looking for.
I read a lot of travel blogs. Some bore the daylights out of me.
One for example, which is unarguably one of the most popular travel blogs in the world, is boring af. It even recently had a lengthy post about doing nothing. Literally. I mean seriously, who wants to read about, “How I sat in my apartment for the past 4 months and did absolutely nothing.”
And this was shortly after he was so taken aback when his mom apparently told him his blog was getting boring.
Mom tells you your blog is boring, you disagree, so you write a post about doing literally nothing. My head wanted to explode.
Reading that George Costanza article, and I did read the entire thing because I was so floored that someone would post about doing nothing, gave me a headache. I haven’t been back to that blog ever since.
Other blogs I find quite entertaining or informative.
I do however always seem to run into the same problem. The ones I do like either usually don’t have the specific information I need, or they are about a style of travel that I don’t often partake in. This normally leads to me having a dozen or two browser tabs open as I research new trips.
So what is my travel style? You know… what’s my niche (I hate that word). Well, for me, it’s high speed, low drag.
What does that even mean?
Basically, it’s a military term for someone or something that is on the ball, effective, or works well. Somebody who is carrying a minimum of equipment and is not overburdened in order to maximize movement and speed of movement. Think efficiency. And a high-speed, low-drag team would be a team that works together fast and efficiently.
No, I was not in the military, but that aside, people usually guess my field.
When I take a trip I don’t sit still. To me, sitting around and relaxing is sitting around and wasting time. If I want to just sit around I can do that at home for free.
I try to cram in as much as possible and that often forces me to make decisions on gear, flights, and itineraries that don’t fit the narrative.
I also like to focus on adventure travel. Museums and touristy city excursions can be great, but for me, only in doses. Admittedly, not everywhere I’ve been is bursting with adventure so I’m going to try striking a lopsided balance.
You will occasionally things like museums here, but I’m more at home while diving with sharks or hiking through a rainforest.
So that’s it. High speed, low drag adventure travel.
I hope you enjoy it.